5 reasons to go organic

5 reasons to go organic

There’s no better time than now to go organic and to become aware of the benefits of going organic, not only for your health but for the health of the planet too.

Here are 5 reasons why you should consider going organic.

1. Organic farming is good for the planet

Organic farming practices focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using farming methods that are less harmful to the environment. Instead of relying on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, organic farmers use natural methods such as crop rotation, companion planting and animal manure. Handling and treating the soil using safe natural ways reduces damage and improves the health of the soil since soil is a non-renewable resource. Since synthetic chemicals are banned in organic farming, this also prevents any water contamination.

If just half of the farming in the EU switched to organic farming by 2030 the impact would be incredible. Together, we could reduce nearly a quarter (23%) of greenhouse gas emissions produced in the EU simply by farming organically.*

2. Organic food contains fewer pesticides

The use of pesticides and synthetic fertilisers in the production of non-organic food is overwhelming. Non-organic farming can expose crops to nearly 300 pesticides and herbicides (weed killers) which can be harmful not only to our health but the environment too. These pesticides make their way into the food we eat.

In 2017, testing carried out by the UK Government discovered that there are as much as 47% pesticide residues in British food.* That’s not all, many of these foods will contain more than one pesticide. By contrast, organic agriculture does not allow the use of any synthetic pesticides. Organic farmers can only use up to 20 pesticides which must all be derived from natural sources, making them better for the crops, the planet and for our bodies.

3. Organic food is GMO-free

GMOS (genetically modified organisms) are plants and animals that have had their DNA altered or modified in some way through genetic engineering. GMOs are strictly forbidden in organic farming and therefore you can trust that certified organic food is free of any GMOs, hormones or antibiotics. With the concerns that GMOs can cause damage to the environment and our health, it’s probably best to avoid them.

4. Organic food is more nutritious

Organic foods are far richer in nutrients and antioxidants than non-organic foods. There are between 18% and 69% more antioxidants present in organic food.* Organic food is also less toxic. Compare to non-organic crops, organic crops contain 48% lower concentration of cadmium, a heavy metal found naturally in the soil which can be toxic for the human body to digest.

5. Organic farming practices protect wildlife

Organic farming practices are significantly less damaging to the environment and do not destroy the natural habitats of wildlife, unlike conventional farming practices. In order to be certified, organic farmers cannot use harmful chemicals and must agree to protect and maintain wildlife and their habitats including hedges, banks, ponds and grassland. Organic farmers must also let their hedgerows grow during the summer months so that wildlife can nest there during the breeding season.

The benefits to eating organic are incredibly worthwhile, not only for your own health but for the health of the planet too. Organic agriculture is free of pesticides, GMOs, earth-friendly, protects wildlife and more sustainable compared to conventional farming. Organic food holds onto the nourishing nutrients and is more beneficial for you than food grown from non-organic crops.

*The Soil Association